Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Winter Solstice party invitation

If any of you readers are nearby, here's the text of an invitation Val and I are about to distribute among our co-workers. You're invited.

Apocalypse Party (original font: Blood of Dracula)

Okay, the world isn't going to end, but it is the winter solstice, which has been celebrated for centuries, maybe millennia; besides, Jupiter is in a good position to look at through a telescope or binoculars, not to mention the galaxy in Andromeda (the most distant object visible to the naked eye). Since I have a telescope, if the sky is clear, we'll take a look. Feel free to bring your own 'scope or binoculars.
Naturally there will be food and stimulating conversation.

When: about 6:00 PM, Friday, December 21, 2012
Where: 1314 Whittaker Rd, Newark, DE 19702 (Google it), home of Valerie and Rogers George. RSVP 302-731-5948 or rogers.george@gmail.com
Who: You, of course. Our teenagers will probably be there, so feel free to bring your own non-adults. Alcohol is allowed, but hopefully it won't flow too freely.
What: We'll have some kind of entrée, and Val says she'll be making an apocalypse cake, whatever that is. We invite you to bring a contribution for the table, too.

This picture was taken someplace besides our house. Way farther north. But it looks like the solstice at noon.


RichardM said...

Sun dogs! Very nice photo. I see the often here in the frozen north...

Lorin Walker PhD said...

Great idea for a party. Wish I lived nearby. Have a good time.

Unknown said...


thank you for the invite, but a bit too far away for us.

would have been nice to see your new addition, which looks larger than what it is attached to.

Looks too cold where you are. Have a nice Solstice Party and take/post lots of photos

Riding the Wet Coast
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